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Extremal Graph Theory for Degree Sequences

Time:2014-04-01  Author:  ClickTimes:
TitleExtremal Graph Theory for Degree Sequences
Speaker张晓东 教授 上海交通大学大学数学系
Date/Time2014年4月10日(周四)上午10:30—11:30 6号楼二楼报告厅
Brief Introduction to Speaker

In extremal graph theory, one is interested in the relations between the variants, such as spectral radius, wiener index, especially those connected best possible inequalities. In this talk, we introduce some progress and new results on the graph variants, including spectral radius, Laplacian spectral radius, the Wiener index, the Harry index and the number of subtrees for a class of graphs with a given degree sequence. In addition, some problems are concluded.