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Algebras of polynomial vector field on algebraic varieties

发布时间:2023-09-20 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: Vyacheslav Futorny DateTime: 2023年9月22日(周五)9:00-10:00
Brief Introduction to Speaker:

Vyacheslav Futorny,南方科技大学讲席教授,巴西科学院院士, 2018年国际数学家大会上45分钟报告人,主要研究领域为表示理论、李理论、不变量理论、量子群和顶点代数及其在数学物理中的应用。

Place: 6号楼323报告厅
Abstract:Derivations of algebras of functions on affine algebraic varieties provide examples of infinite dimensional simple Lie algebras, such as Witt algebras (or Virasoro algebras) among many others. We will discuss the state of the art of the representation theory of these algebras.