Professor Patrick Solé received the Ingénieur and Dr.-Ing. degrees from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, France, in 1984 and 1987, respectively, and the Habilitation á Diriger des Recherches from Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Sophia Antipolis, France, in 1993. He has held visiting positions with Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA, from 1987 to 1989; Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, from 1994 to 1996; and Lille University, Lille, France, from 1999 to 2000. Since 1989, he has been a permanent member of CNRS, where he was a Senior Scientist, in 1996. He is currently a member of the CNRS Lab, I2M, Marseilles, France. His research interests include coding theory (codes over rings and quasi-cyclic codes), interconnection networks (graph spectra and expanders), vector quantization (lattices), and cryptography (Boolean functions and pseudorandom sequences).