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Hermitian duality of left dihedral codes over finite fields

发布时间:2023-04-11 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: 曹永林 教授 DateTime: 2023年4月15日(周六)上午:9:00-10:00
Brief Introduction to Speaker:


2000年晋升教授,2001年评为全国优秀教师、山东省中青年学术骨干。担任中国工业与应用数学学会编码密码及相关组合理论专业委员会委员, 《系统科学与数学》第七、八届编委,山东省代数学会常务理事,淄博市数学学会理事长。在国际和国内学术期刊发表论文90多篇、其中SCI检索50多篇,多次出席国内和国际学术会议并作报告。主持和参加完成国家自然科学基金项目5项,主持完成山东省自然科学基金和中科院数学机械化中心开放课题等多项,目前主持2021-2024年的国家自然科学基金面上项目。

Place: 6号楼二楼学术报告厅
Abstract:Let $F_{q^2}$ be the finite field of $q^2$ elements, where $q$ is a power of a prime number, and let $D_{2n} = ⟨x, y | x^n = 1, y^2 = 1, yxy = x^{n−1}⟩ $ be the dihedral group of $2n$ elements. Left ideals of the group algebra $F_{q^2} [D_{2n}]$ are known as left dihedral codes over $F_{q^2}$ of length $2n$, and abbreviated as left $D_{2n}$-codes. Let $gcd(n, q) = 1$. In this talk, we give an explicit representation for the Hermitian dual code and the Hermitian hull of every left $D_{2n}$-code over $F_{q^2}$. On this basis, we determine all distinct Hermitian self-dual left $D_{2n}$-codes, Hermitian linear complementary dual (LCD) left D2n-codes, and Hermitian self-orthogonal left $D_{2n}$-codes over $F_{q^2} , respectively. As an application, we provide several illustrative examples for obtaining Hermitian self-dual and Hermitian LCD left $D_{2n}$-codes respect...