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Constructing MSR Codes With Sub-packetization 2^{n/3} for k+1 Helper Nodes

发布时间:2022-11-15 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: 胡思煌 DateTime: 2022年11月17日(周四)上午10:10-10:50
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Place: 腾讯会议: 449701991
Abstract:Wang et al. (IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 62, no. 8, 2016) proposed an explicit construction of an (n=k+2,k) Minimum Storage Regenerating (MSR) code with 2 parity nodes and subpacketization 2^{k/3}. The number of helper nodes for this code is d=k+1=n-1, and this code has the smallest subpacketization among all the existing explicit constructions of MSR codes with the same n,k and d. In this talk, I will present a new construction of MSR codes for a wider range of parameters. Based on joint work with Guodong Li, Ningning Wang, and Min Ye.