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​标题:Some recent progress on permutation polynomials(IV)

发布时间:2022-07-23 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: 丁治国 研究员 DateTime: 2022.7.25(星期一上午)10:00-11:30
Brief Introduction to Speaker:

丁治国 研究员 单位:密西根大学


Place: 腾讯会议号:476-333-104 密码:无
Abstract:In this series of talks, we will introduce a general procedure for producing huge classes of permutation polynomials over F_{q^2} from any prescribed permutation rational function over F_q, and we will show that even the simplest permutation rational functions yield many interesting permutation polynomials. We will also classify permutation polynomials with certain forms using tools from algebraic geometry and group theory which have not previously been used in this topic. This is a joint work with Michael Zieve.