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Some results on the Finslerian p-eigenvalue problem

发布时间:2022-05-05 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: 夏巧玲 DateTime: 2022年5月17日(周二)
Brief Introduction to Speaker:


Place: 腾讯会议号:414-987-132
Abstract: Abstract: Finsler geometry is a Riemann geometry without quadratic restriction. In this talk, we shall introduce some results on p(>1)-eigenvalue problem in Finsler geometry, such as the lower or upper bound estimates of the first p-eigenvalue, the local and global gradient estimates for the p-eigenfunctions(resp. p-harmonic functions) on forward complete Finsler measure spaces with the weighted Ricci curvature bounded below, and their applications etc.. Moreover, we will present some rigidity results when the first p-eigenvalue achieves its extremmum. All discussions are based on the nonlinear approaches because of the nonliearity of the Finsler metric and the Finsler Laplacian.