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Multidimensional Coherent Configurations and their Applications

发布时间:2021-10-22 作者: 浏览次数:
Speaker: Ilia Ponomarenko DateTime: 2021年10月20日-11月17日, 每周三下午3:00-4:00, 每周四晚上7:00-8:00
Brief Introduction to Speaker:

Ilia Ponomarenko俄罗斯圣彼得堡Steklov数学研究所首席研究员、js6666金沙登录入口特聘教授

Place: 腾讯会议, 会议号请找邀请人陈刚老师
Abstract:Within the framework of the mini-course, the structure of multidimensional coherent configurations and extensions of algebraic isomor-phisms will be studied. An algebraic version of the Cai-Führer-Imerman theorem on graphs difficult in the sense of the graph isomorphism problem will be proved. In the final part, we will consider applications of the theory for finite projective planes.

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